Wednesday 3 October 2012

Gypsy- My first love

           A man should have a car that suits his attitude! Rugged. Masculine. Kind of vehicle for cool dudes to commute, drive and use. Uncomplicated. Heavy duty. Outdoorsy. Yeah, that more or less describes me, all right. Think of one such machine and the Maruti Suzuki Gypsy comes up in your mind. It is still the best off-road vehicle money can buy in India today. Ya there's Thar now but we all know what Gypsy is...It doesn't need to pull it's skirt up when you say 'Action'! This is the Indian counterpart of Suzuki Jimmy/Samurai and has much better masculine than the Japanese version.

          The Maruti Gypsy has been on roads of India for more than two decades. Through the course of time it has undergone many crucial changes. Thelate  90’s saw the release of the Gypsy king which was a more powerful version of the old school Maruti Gypsy. In some ways the Maruti Gypsy can be said to have stood the test of time as it still has a considerable amount of respect even though many better SUV’s have been released in the market.

           Today, the Gypsy is available in three different variants. The  MG-413 King hard cover,  MG-413 King soft cover and ambulance versions and is available in a range of four different colors. On the road the Maruti Gypsy flaunts a petrol engine of 1300cc. Good on-road power, sturdy control, higher thermal conductivity and high end 4 wheel drive offer you a combo of 80 bhp@6000 rpm mated to 5-speed gearbox now,  the 4WD is fully engagable from the cabin, using a simple additional gear shift lever marked "4L (for 4 low), 4H (for 4 High), N (for Neutral) and 2H (for regular 2 Wheel drive).

          It's got High ground clearance of 210mm to ensure better handling. Diaphragm Spring Clutch designed to withstand higher rotational speeds requiring requiring less release load thereby reducing the wear of parts.  
        The Gypsy is devoid of any kind of frills and really takes a hands on approach to roughing it out on the road. Instrumentation on the Dashboard is very basic with a speedometer, RPM and the basic indicator lights. The driving position is just comfortable but very commanding. Add to that the design of the gear-shift lever which just reaches out into your hand, it's as comfortable driving design as one could desire. Instrumentation on the Dashboard is very basic with a speedometer, RPM and the basic indicator lights. Gypsy does not come with creature comforts such as power steering and air-conditioning. It never did and looks like it never will.

          But getting a Gypsy is no fun if you don’t mark your individual stamp on it. The car has ample room for customisation which is something the Rally freaks greatly relish about the car. A black bull bar, a wench, a new canopy, racing seats, loud music system, A/C unit, a new Momo steering wheel and most importantly wider and bigger tyres with some really cool smoked wheels and better suspension unit will be my choice. Perhaps, a bypass surgery with a new heart from Baleno/ SX4 will be cool.

        People should have knowledge about you when you drive Gypsy. This macho is a performer. It is built for off-road. With 4X4 you can climb uphill without need of a road. It's an all weather, All terrain performer. 

If you are a not a hardcore 4X4 lover, don’t go for it. if you want fuel efficiency, buy a Swift or an Indica or any other rickshaw-like cars( no dis-respect to above cars). But of course you can't walk into it, grab the steering and go off-road with half a dozen friends. 

          It’s extremely capable off-road and am sure ,it can challenge a Land-Cruiser any-day.

          It’s absolutely bland with the least features and interiors may resemble a cart, but who needs these while conquering the unconquered? Throw anything infront of it and it will jump over with smile. This vehicle is by FAR, the BEST off-roader in India.It has won numerous Rallies and Raids. I give it 5-stars for its off-roading capabilities. The car handles like a dream on rough roads and that's what it was designed for. The Leaf spring suspension is what makes all the difference.  
All it has is an excellent engine, tough-as-the-Rock-of-Gibraltar transmission and the most uncomplicated transfer-case, with low-range ratios.  
Age has not dimmed the Gypsy's capabilities, be it ride, handling or offroad ability. The underpinnings make you feel invincible when confronted with any terrain. Perhaps this is the reason why our military police and Rallyist's still use and abuse it. Even John Abraham has one.

          It’s reliable, cheap to maintain, highly modifiable and moderately fuel-efficient. What more can you ask for? You drive it in the city easily like car and you think that its just a heavy weight toughie which burns lot of fuel but you feel good when the rickshaw drivers behave well not only with you but also with others on the road when you are around in your Gypsy. Once you own it, its an inseparable friend. Be it shifting your house, picking up heavy goods, camping, trekking you say it, yes sir the monster is on your side. 

If your heart is young and like some wind in your hair. Want to be a loner, get away from humanity, love nature and you want to explore it on your own terms, have the spirit of adventure and the lure of the outdoor, be it winding Himalayan roads or dusty mud tracks in some remote interior of Rajasthan, then Gypsy is for you. If you have Rs. 6 odd lakh to invest, this is the vehicle that will take you there with pleasureGo on do not waste time,buy it,they may not make it forever. This may not munch miles like the most so called fuel-efficient engines.
But it's somehow different and admirable - cross your heart. 
You don't worry much spending money for your girl, do you? Then why compromise here.

So buddies, please save our Gypsy from phasing out and thread safe.. 


  1. The Maruti Suzuki Gypsy does not have a RPM meter... Kindly correct..

  2. really very in this post is very attractive and provide information abour gypsy and Suspension systems.thanks for sharing this information.
